why a teacher?!

Well, according to my blog, I have ceased to exist for almost 2 months...  Oops ;)  No worries!  I'm still living and breathing (just currently not talking due to this blessed cold...).

So...  I've been teaching kindergarten!  My goal was to keep posting weekly like I had before (with all my fantastic teaching ideas of the world!).

But, let's be honest.  The first couple of weeks of kindergarten were the hardest, ever.  Not that I didn't love the kids and all the fun in teaching...  but it is difficult.  Keeping the ever-moving attention of 11 five and six year olds is quite the task!  

During the first week, I'm not sure who shed more tears— me or my kids.  Obviously my tears weren't over missing my mom or being ready to head home at lunch, but it was hard on us both.  They were having a hard time adjusting and I was right with them.  On Wednesday, I remember thinking, "This is what I went to school for?!?"

All the prep was fun and getting ready for open house was crazy but now...  It's up to me to guide my little monkeys to the start of this new path of life:  school.  Not the "let's-sit-in-my-seat-and-listen-to-a-lecture" school day but the little introduction and the excitement of what's ahead.  

The best moment in my first couple of weeks was when one of my little monkeys grabbed me around the waist and said, "Miss Levy, you're the best teacher ever.  I love you."  Yup, my heart melted.  

And that's why I went to school to be a teacher :)

Anyways, kindergarten has gotten much better!  We know the expectations and system for class (and what follows when we don't obey...).  I am constantly reminding myself that learning happens even if we aren't doing a worksheet :)  Learning is fun! 

I'm hoping to do better about keeping up blogging with my classroom ideas (some of which are pretty fun and others which... well, we won't try them again for a while :)


  1. Awwww! Sounds as if you are in for a year of adventures!!!! :)

  2. Awww! :D So glad to hear all that! Kinda wish you were teaching a little closer to your college though ;-)


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