Guam: 2 more weeks of fun!

After our first full week of being on Guam, we went for a hike with the youth group kids!  And the best part was that the hike ended in a couple waterfalls (which our whole team mustered up enough bravery to jump in from the top of the waterfalls!)  It's a strange feeling to jump into water that isn't cold...  It's like jumping into a big bathtub :)
 The second week of K5 Cool School went great!  My kids are so great!  They are speedy little learners :)  They love singing and doing activities with our letters of the day!  So far in our journey of the alphabet, we've made it to "n."  Usually in the morning, they come and remind me what the letter of the day will be (just in case I forgot ;)
Last Saturday, we toured around the whole island of Guam!  It's crazy to think that the island is so small you can see the whole thing in one day.   It's just beautiful!  It was interesting to see how there is even a difference from one side of the island to the other.

 While the other classes took a hike to a nearby beach, we had SNOW DAY!  Our "snowball fight" with cotton balls was quite a hit (in our air conditioned classroom ;)  It's rather ironic that we had a snow day in the middle of June...  But it was such a fantastic day!
We even did a math page that went with our "chilly" theme for the day!  And of course, no snow day is complete without watching...  Frozen!  (except that it was more like "quoting" Frozen instead of watching it because they just couldn't keep quiet ;)

I'm definitely loving my kids here!  Teaching across so many cultures is very stretching, but it's a great learning experience for me too!


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