of perú

 Something different about Perú:  you give other people your laundry.  Lydia and I hadn't done laundry for almost 3 weeks...  We asked our host mom if we could go drop off our laundry and she walked us over to the little shop :)  And this is what our laundry looked like when we picked it up!  It weighed a ton (and EVERYTHING was super pressed too :)

 One of my favorite things about Perú is my host family :)  They are so sweet and patient with us!  Their daughter, Cielo is like a little sister!  She loves coming into our room and rambling on about the "monster" in our closet ;)

She has also become quite attached to my little pig friend!  She's nicknamed him "chanchito burrito" and loves to just carry him around :)
Well, if there's one thing I can't live without... it's craft projects.  I always need a reason for a project or two :)

Lydia and I decided that we needed something to keep our shower stuff in, instead of it falling out of our closets.  So, we picked up this little rubbermaid box from the yardsale for about $1.50.  It looked kinda dingy but we had a plan :)  I stopped by the "free box" and grabbed an old school reader with fun pictures.  Next step: find a modge podge substitution :)
 No problem!  We found a nice container of glue and began to glue away :)

And ta-da!  I'm pretty proud of this finished product :)
 On Sunday mornings, our church has Sunday school for the kids in the area.  We walk around the neighborhood and call kids to come :)  It's so fun to hear them sing the Bible songs and learn Bible stories!  I can't wait to be able to talk with them :)

Please pray that this ministry would grow and that I would be able to communicate with the kids soon!
 Lydia and I spent Sunday afternoon exploring our neighborhood.  We live in Las Vinas, which like every other town in Lima, is built into the side of the mountain.  It was a beautiful day :)

I decided that even though Peruvians think I'm tall here, I'm still short compared to their cacti ;)

Water is life.  Honestly :)

"I am the way, the truth, the life." John 14:6

Our water had an electrical short and we didn't have any water for a whole day at our house.  One of those things that you don't realize how much you use it until you don't have it :)

It was a good reminder for me that I daily need the "Bread of Life" to survive :)  I'm currently working through Galatians in my devotion time and I'm excited to see all that God has to teach me!


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