a [new] beginning

I can't believe it's almost time to actually leave for Peru and to begin my ARRIBA experience!  I wonder how long it will take to become a reality...  Hmm, maybe Saturday?  First night with my host family?  :)

On Monday, I flew into Cleveland from Minneapolis and met all of my teammates.  We're pretty excited to work together and see what all God has for us!  We had orientation Tuesday and Wednesday and learned about our new home :)  Pastor Jim has endured many of our questions already (and I'm sure we're not done yet!).

Tomorrow is the big day!  We will be flying, bright and early to Miami for a 9 hour layover; then onto Lima!!!  I still can't believe it's time to leave, but I'm excited to see what God has ahead :)

While I'm in Peru, I won't have free internet access all the time.  But I intend to write blog updates about once a week, depending on schoolwork, jungle trips, camps, and such :)

*Please pray for safe travels and a smooth transition to our new "lives" in Peru :) 

P.S.  So, when I got to Cleveland and opened up one of my suitcases, I discovered a stowaway hidden in my shoes...  Any guesses?  (hint, hint... check out this post ;)


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